
Brush up your English – English for office assistants 



Frischen Sie Ihre Englisch-Kenntnisse für eine effektive Kommunikation mit Geschäftspartnern und Kunden auf. Glänzen Sie als Sekretärin mit guten Englisch-Kenntnissen.

Wenn Sie diesen Text verstehen, aber noch nicht so schreiben können, dann sind Sie her genau richtig!

Brush up your English – 9 proven ways to speak better English

☺ 3 first impressions – make the best of it with these phrases

☺ 5 standard phrases – make letters talk when you write them
♦ starting a letter
♦ confirmation
♦ enclosures
♦ arrangements
♦ final comments

☺ 3 people talking – loosen up your tongue and talk – get comfortable to speak to strangers

This English course is for you, if

▼ you know some English from school (A1/A2)
▼ you have used English before at work
▼ you are willing to give your best
▼ you work as a secretary, office assistant, office manager or office clerk

How it will be done

Please sign up for this free English class.

Join us for the free webinar and find out, if you might want more.

■ first we will chitchat a bit
■ focus on the 3 topics for the day
■ practise practise practise
■ of course there will be time for your questions

Hello – I am your teacher

My name is Judith Torma Goncalves and I will be your teacher in this free webinar for secretaries and office assistants.

When I was in school my teacher put me in a box and that box had a grade 3 writen all over it.

But luckily I went on a summer camp to Brighton in England. There I had the most impressive hostfamily and my heart opened to the English languages.

My journey went on and I became an AuPair. My 4 wonderful boys in Atlanta, GA were the best teachers I ever had.

After my time in the US I studied American Studies at the University of Tübingen. I have been working for more then twenty years as an teacher of English.

English is my second language and it is my family language. With my family and most of my friends I speak English on a daily base. So you will benefit from everyday vocabulary and professional teachings.

Jetzt die Webinaraufzeichnung kostenlos ansehen!

Fremdsprachen lernen wir nur, wenn wir selbst sprechen! Deshalb nutzen wir in unseren Englischkursen auch die Audio und Videofunktionen unseres Webinarraums.

Sie wollen mehr erfahren, dann rufen Sie an: 03385517939

Judith Torma Goncalves ist Magistra der Rhetorik. Seit 2017 steuert Sie die Geschicke des Verband der Sekretärinnen.

Ihre Lieblingsthemen sind Kommunikation und Rhetorik und das weite Feld des miteinander.

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